TOP METAL ALBUMS 2019 - List from Cyprus Metal Scene Members
We're already in the 2nd day of the new decade and we'd like to wish you all a happy and productive 2020. May steel and starlight be by your side.
Just like last year, we asked around a few members of the Cyprus Metal Scene for their favourite releases in 2019 and we summed-up their answers in the following post. The goal was to dig out releases that didn't catch our eyes and to deliver a quality list to you so that you can please your ears while waiting for the 2020 releases.
First our demographics:
We asked the same people like last year and we are presenting 19 lists in total (18 male and one female).
These people are/were heavily involved in the Cyprus Metal Scene, either as musicians, promoters, record-label owners, studio owners, etc.
Bands represented among others were Arrayan Path, Crusifire, Dark Poetry, Diphtheria, Dragonbreath, Hardraw, Kidius Shredius Maximus, Mortem Atra, R.U.S.T.X, Solitary Sabred, Stainlesz, Stormcast, Temple of Evil, Vomitile, Winters Verge.
Labels represented: Pitch Black Records and Deathhammer Records.
It is worth-mentioning that this was not a poll! We didn't provided the titles ourselves, each person provided their own list independently.
The statistics:
A total of 112 different releases made it to the final cut (nearly all of the full-albums, except from a handful of occasions where an EP or a Single was provided in the list).
20 Countries (+1 international) made it to the selection (see Figure 1) , with the majority of the bands hailing from USA (40), Sweden (13), followed by Greece (8) and the United Kingdom (8).
Figure 1: Number of bands mentioned per country of origin |
Due to the wide spectrum of our audience we tried like last year to have the majority of sub-genres represented. Therefore albums span from rock and traditional heavy metal to black metal and deathcore.
Figure 2: Results for the TOP Metal Albums of 2019 |
Unlike last year's results, this time we had a clear TOP-10. To everyone's surprise, the most voted album for 2019 was "Pyramid of Terror" by our local band Mirror. A flawless mixing of 70s and 80s elements, backed by the veteran experiences of Jimmys (Armageddon) and Taz (ex-Electric Wizard) and driven by the killer virtuoso duo of Nicholas and Cotsios on guitars, the band managed to a achieve worldwide recognition with a bright future lying ahead. If you haven't listened to the album yet, here you go.
Runner-up was "The Door to Doom" by swedish doomsters Candlemass, the first album since their debut in 1986 to feature the original vocalist Johan Längqvist.
A tie for the third position was achieved by R.U.S.T.X and the newcomers Tanith. R.U.S.T.X, hailing from Ayioi Trimithias in Cyprus elevate their sound to a more commercial sound with their new album "Center of the Universe" released by the Cypriot label Pitch Black Records. Tanith debut their discography with the magnificent "In Another Time", a guitar-oriented hard-rock monument released by Metal Blade.
The TOP-10 list is completed with "Amon Amarth - Berserker", "Crypt Sermon - The Ruins of Fading Light", "Riot City - Burn the Night", "Rotting Christ - The Heretics", "Soen - Lotus" and the self-titled debut "Traveler - Traveler" from Canada.
At the bottom of the post the complete list of all the 112 albums selected is presented. Now let's have a look on the individual lists as selected by the Cypriot metal forces. I'll wait to read your TOP-10 as well.
*(Please note that all the lists in this post are in alphabetical order and not in order of preference!)
Michalis and Andreas Benakis
January 2020
The complete list
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