Genre: Doom/Death Metal
Hometown: Nicosia
Socrates Ioannou (Vocals/Guitars)
Soteris Solouom (Guitars)
Doros Christodoulou (Bass)
Markos Ioannou (Drums)
Mirror Is A Lonley Place Demo 2009
Answers To Everything Full-Length 2011
Formed in 2001, in Nicosia, SoulSteal gradually became one of the most noticeable bands in Cyprus metal scene. Their style contains a mixture of atmosphere, melody and heavy sound in combination with clean and dark vocals. The members express themselves through a lyrical aura of metaphor, joy, elation, depression and everything occurring in this life.
The journey (2001-2003) started with numerous gigs being performed at Kingston, Limassol and in several venues in Nicosia (Treno, Enallax, Ermou). The band immediately saw their first light of embrace by numerous fans.
The years 2003-2004 are believed to be the hardest times the band had passed through; they remained inactive, mostly due to military obligations. They did not, however, take it as a reason for 'dismantling'. It was rather an alternative path they had to follow, with acoustic nights at Ermou 261 and Skali Aglantzias, and a few selected gigs with session members.
It was that gloomy Summer of 2009 that found SoulSteal having released their first EP; a darkly-tailored, 5-piece set, which had an immediate impact on countries all over the world. The unique style the band has created, together with the slick production of the EP, made numerous radio stations worldwide to approach the band and request songs for their playlists. The work received excellent comments from webzines and communities in countries such as Chile, Italy, Poland, United Kingdom.
Continuing their musical journey and explorations, SoulSteal released their first Full-Length album in December 2011 called "ANSWERS TO EVERYTHING"
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